Frequently Asked Questions
I have a big event coming up, when should I get a spray tan?
We recommend 2 days before. This way, the tan has enough time to fully develop and can be completely rinsed off to avoid transfer.
Let’s talk transfer.
Will a spray tan stain my clothes?
We set our spray tans with a special powder to prevent this. Once the bronzer has been thoroughly rinsed off, you shouldn’t have any issues with transfer.
What’s the difference between rapid and 8-hour tanning solutions?
While there is no difference in the final product, the main difference comes down to how long you have to leave it on before rinsing. We typically recommend the 8-hour solution unless you aren’t able to leave it on that long. We find that the rapid solution can be a bit drying for some. The most important thing to keep in mind with the rapid solution is that you will not see an immediate bronze color as both solutions still take 24 hours to fully develop.
What do I wear to and during a spray tan appointment?
Wear dark, loose clothing with sandals if possible. During the appointment, it’s about wearing what you’re comfortable in and what tan lines you are okay with. We’ve seen it all so if you’re anti-tan line, feel free to tan in your birthday suit!
Can I spray tan or get my teeth whitened while pregnant or breastfeeding?
While it’s widely accepted to be safe, we always recommend speaking with your medical professional first!
How often can I
get a spray tan?
As often as your glowing heart desires!
How often can I
whiten my teeth?
This varies depending on the amount of stains a person starts with and how frequently they consume food & beverages that cause stains. The first month, we recommend once every other week then once per month moving forward.
How long will my tan last?
On average, 5-10 days. Results heavily depend on an individual’s skin, where their skin is in it’s natural shedding process and how well they adhere to pre and post care.
How long will my teeth whitening last?
This completely depends on the care a person takes of their teeth as well as how often they consume food & beverages that are known to stain teeth.